
High-quality chimney flues

Before being installed in your house and contributing to the thermal comfort and the safety of your home, the flues Cheminées Poujoulat know a real course of the assault. They have been subjected to a demanding design, passed numerous tests, and even once marketed, the flues in production continue to be controlled with the same rigour to guarantee perfect conformity. Nothing is left to chance.

Chimney flues assembled in ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified workshops

The Cheminées Poujoulat products that you use every day with your heating system (flues, chimney stacks, accessories, etc.) are the result of a rigorously monitored and controlled design and manufacturing process. The aim is to offer compliant, safe, high-performance products that satisfy both installers and users.

Firstly, the factories from which our solutions are derived all meet ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 requirements. They are regularly audited to validate these certifications. The most recent audit (July 2022) reported the implementation of a « solid and effective Quality-Environment Management System, in line with its quality and environmental challenges ».

In the same way and according to other criteria, each category of flue meets a specific standard:

- Standard NF-EN 14989-1 and 2 (‘chimney flue- Requirements and Test Methods for Metal Flue Chimneys and All-Material Air Supply Chimneys for Roomsealed Heating Appliances’),

- Standard NF-EN 1856-1 and 2 (‘chimney flue- Requirements for Metal Flue Chimneys’),

- Standard NF-EN 14471+A1 (chimney flue- Flue system with plastic flue liners - Requirements and test methods).

But Cheminées Poujoulat does not stop there, since its products are subjected to additional, even more demanding controls which attest to ‘impeccable quality and performance that exceeds current standards and regulations’. This validation is known as the CÉRIC Label, named after the laboratory which carries out these tests.

Founded in 1991, Laboratoire CERIC is Europe's reference laboratory in the field of chimneys. It has more than 25 test benches and carries out more than 4,000 tests every year.

Regular tests and checks to ensure consistent quality

Checks continue well beyond the development phase. Every week, according to precise specifications, products are taken from stock and put through their paces to ensure their perfect conformity.

In the case of a chimney flue or chimney stack, the tests will be of different kinds:

- The mechanical tests will validate the product's solidity, its ability to resist compression or traction, wind, mechanical chimney sweeping, etc.

- Chemical tests will confirm that the materials and coatings will hold up well over time (smoke, humidity from rain or condensation, corrosive attacks, etc.).

- Thermal tests will confirm that the product is suitable for the temperatures for which it is intended (low-temperature smoke, high temperatures).

Wind tunnel tests, air-tightness, flexibility, resistance to condensation and rainwater, dimensional tests and coupling studies with combustion appliances and drainage systems... Nothing is spared for the products in our catalogue.

While test bench trials are the most spectacular phases, quality concerns many other departments, well upstream of production in the workshop. It begins with the design and development of the product, and continues with the choice of materials, which are themselves scrupulously checked on receipt. Compulsory production checks focus mainly on the following points:

- Visual checks (aesthetics, template, material, product and label traceability),

- Dimensional checks,

- Manual checks,

- Specific checks (paint adhesion, surface tension, checks on surface treatment baths and the tightness of coupling joints).

Feedback from our customers, another source of continuous improvement

Cheminées Poujoulat also takes into account feedback from the field, whether from professional or private customers. All complaints are analysed and dealt with. If necessary, action is taken to find a lasting solution to the problem.

The 3 ingredients of an efficient heating system

In a heating installation, each of the components is important: the appliance, the flue, but also the fuel, which must be of high quality. The failure of any one of these elements can have an impact on the safety of property or people, their comfort, the lifespan and/or efficiency of the installation, energy consumption, or even degrade air quality. A qualified installer is also highly recommended for the entire project.